Christian Path to Food Freedom, Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health

The only program of its kind, created by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Biblical Counselor - specifically for Christian women!

This 10 week online program is a proven step-by-step path to free you from years on the diet and weight cycle, food "addictions," preoccupation with dieting, body shame, and a loss of control around food.
You will develop the ability to have a lasting effect on your health without unnatural, restrictive, or depriving food and diet rules.
And best of all, this program puts your walk with Christ first, so you will be able to grow stronger in your faith with each week!

Let's make sure Satisfied is right for you!

This is right for you if you are a Christian woman who has been struggling with the way your body looks, not being in control of your eating, and/or try hard to stick to diets without lasting results.

 Satisfied is right for you if you want a better, deeper, longer-lasting method for true health - health that addresses your spiritual health, thoughts, heart, and physical health.

If you are...

-   Sick of trying diets without getting lasting results

-   Ready to take a new & better approach than just focusing on your weight and strict food rules

-   Spending a lot of time and focus being concerned about your size and shape, which has been affecting your joy, peace, and relationships

-   A woman who is serious about growing in your walk with Christ and understands His role in all of this...

then you are certainly in the right place!

Satisfied is exactly the systematic approach you need to help you finally grow health habits while putting the top priority on your spiritual growth.

Here is the lifechanging impact you can expect from the Satisfied program:

1.   Discover you can give up diets for a far better way to sustainable health
2.  Find and heal underlying reasons you stuck in the diet/weight gain/body shame cycle
3.  Take back control over your food, health, and weight
4.  Learn to enjoy food and eating with full satisfaction and without eliminating all your faves
5.  Prepare for and protect yourself against overeating triggers
6.  Win the battle against body shame and feel comfortable with your body
7.  Become confident in nutrition choices and discerning truth from myth
8.  Develop enjoyable lifestyle habits that improve your health for a lifetime
9.  Understand how your faith is essential to true and lasting change & freedom in these areas

"I would encourage anyone struggling with diet and weight issues to take this course. It changed my mental approach to eating and body appearance completely."
Mary Ann, Kenya
"I have always struggled with weight...This program is unlike anything else out there, and brings truth to the freedom we have in Christ, the majesty of God's design and provision, laying an amazing foundation for how we can honor the Lord in this area of our lives without shame."
Laura, FL
"The structure, support, and community involved in this program really sets you up to succeed...There are actions and principles that I can apply to all aspects of my life...Such a wonderful experience."
Amanda, RI

Satisfied is OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT June 8-15th!

Both the one-time and 6-payment options include the 10-WEEK ONLINE PROGRAM, Community Group, and weekly live Q&As with replay access.

   But there is more! Enroll for this session and you will also receive 3 FREE COURSES to keep forever!!!

You will get the best results when you utilize all aspects of the program!

If you are still looking for a little more hand holding, I've got you covered! You can opt to purchase half-hour private online sessions with Cheryl to help you through any teachings, exercises, or obstacles that may stall your progress. This is an additional cost and not part of the basic program. *Cheryl cannot offer individualized nutrition advice or medical nutrition therapy for your personal health condition. 

“God has used you to start a wonderful work in my life. God has used you to help connect His Word to my heart, to believe it, and then to work it out in my life. This is beyond body image and it is invaluable. The price of this program is so cheap compared to the treasure of really believing God and His grace. I cannot properly thank you.”
-Katie V.
“Our group was diverse in body type, fitness level and habits. Every one of us was incredibly blessed by the experience. If you are a woman in this world and aren't satisfied with your relationship with food or your body, it's for you.”
"I have been weight cycling for several decades...This program showed me that I have developed an unhealthy relationship with food and a shame for my body size. Thoughts about food and weight were competing with my relationship with Jesus for my attention. This program has shown me how to get food back into its rightful place.” 

Here's What's Inside...

Christian Path to Food Freedom, Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health

I created the Satisfied program to help you break free from the hopeless lifestyle of dieting and weight-cycling, feeling embarrassed by your body, being out of control around food, living by restrictive eating rules, and so much more!

In this 10-week program, you will have weekly live online Q&A sessions with me and a supportive Community Group of like-minded Christian women who are taking this journey with you.

Each week, you can expect to find the help you need to overcome the life-dominating problems of:

-a poor relationship with food
-anxiety about your body image
-confusion about nutrition issues
-frustration about health efforts that don't bring lasting results, and
-the hidden shame these bring to Christians!

You will find plenty of support and answers to your questions (so make sure to ask them!) while learning from others, as well.

You will find your mindset changing, your health behaviors improving, your enjoyment of eating returning, and a contentment with your body that you never thought could happen!

Most importantly, you will find significant growth in your walk with Christ. This program is Gospel-saturated all the way through!


Week 1 (6/15)- Empowered for Freedom
Week 2 (6/22)- Why the Non-Diet Way is Best
Week 3 (6/29)- Digging Up Root Causes
Week 4 (7/6)- Your Relationship with Food & Your Body
Week 5 (7/13)- Diet-Free Eating

Week 6 (7/20)- Digging Up the Strongest Root
Week 7 (7/27)- Healing from Body Shame
Week 8 (8/3)- Nutrition Facts for Freedom
Week 9 (8/10)- Your Healthy Life & Body
Week 10 (8/17)- A Lifetime of Health

Why is this step-by-step program a BETTER solution than ANY other program out there for Christian women?

You will greatly benefit from the science and research-based nutrition information, but most importantly, you will find deep change through the faithful application of Scripture, our plumb line of truth.

This is a program saturated with the Gospel, dealing with sin and repentance, and dependent upon the grace of God, which He so richly supplies to His children.

This is a program carefully crafted by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Biblical Counselor specifically for Christian women who are serious about following Christ in all areas of their lives and being freed from the bondages of food, diet, and body image struggles.

Hey, I'm Cheryl!

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
and Certified Biblical Counselor with the ACBC.

I help Christian women,
whose lifelong desire for weight loss and a thinner body
has consumed their minds and emotions,
to finally find peace with food and their bodies and
enjoy true lifetime health for body, soul, and spirit through the Satisfied! online program.

My passion is to combine my love of health and nutrition science with biblical counseling and personalized Scripture application. I believe that it is only by addressing the deeper heart, mind, and spiritual issues that true freedom from the bondage of weight cycling, body image shame, emotional eating, and chronic dieting can be dealt with in an effective, lasting way.

You can find and maintain your healthiest weight for the long term without diets, cravings, or food preoccupations.

Even more importantly, you can grow in your spiritual health above all!

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is designed to be completed in 10 weeks, but it is understandable that life happens and your pace might be different. You are strongly encouraged to go through the program in 10 consecutive weeks to develop new habits and keep the momentum going.

However, you will have access to the course materials and any new resources added for a FULL YEAR! This is beneficial because the full life change you want is a process that will take time, and returning to the materials throughout the year will help solidify your progress.

You can go through the entire program's resources, videos, lessons, and activities multiple times throughout the year and will have ongoing Q&A sessions, but will only have access to the community group for the 10 weeks. 

All participants will have the opportunity to join a monthly membership with an ongoing community group, monthly Q&A sessions, support and accountability, and easy-to-follow steps to continue their journey of freedom and whole-person health. This offer will explained at the end the program and carries a small monthly cost.

Since you have access to the course materials for a full year from the date of purchase, this membership will provide highly valuable additional support.

It is important to me that you are a very satisfied customer, but also that you get the transformation that requires the full 10 weeks. A week or two of skimming course materials is not giving the program a chance to help you.

Therefore, if you work through the first 30 days (4 whole modules!) of the program, put in the work, are involved in the community group, have attempted to get your questions answered there and at the Q&A sessions, and still believe you have not benefitted from the program, I am happy to provide a full refund.

Here is the process:

1. Send an email to letting me know that you have fully participated for the first 4 weeks/modules but that you are requesting a refund and a full explanation of why. I will review the work you have done and whether you tried to get help.

2. I will work with you personally to overcome your boundaries and help you progress where you have struggled in these modules.

3. If you have made a good effort with coursework assignments and have asked questions in the community group and Q&A sessions and are still unsatisfied, you will receive a 100% money back refund. The refund must be requested before beginning module 5. Your access to the course, materials, community group, and sessions will be terminated when you cancel.